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Let's Start to Make Garments! (Part 4 in the series) Understanding Layout and Cutout!

Skill Builder: Let's Start to Make Garments
Part #4  Pattern layout and cutout
Format: Lecture / Demo

Understanding how to position the pattern pieces on the fabric and getting them cutout is the next step in making a garment. What are grainlines, why do they matter, are those dots and arrows important? We will answer all of these questions and more!

Our Let's Start to Make Garments Series can be taken in part or in it's entirety!
Our Let's Start to Make Garments Series can be taken in part or in it's entirety!
Class #1: Choosing your Garment Pattern!
Class #2: Fabric choices!
Class #3: Making it fit!
Class #4: Pattern layout and cutout
Class #5: Let's start to sew! Beginning construction
Class #6: Pressing Matters!
Class #7: Seam finishes
Class #8: Neck edge finishes
Class #9: Elastic Applications
Class #10: Sleeves
Class #11: Zippers

Tools /Supplies Needed: None for this class
Please note: This class is scheduled to be face to face. 

Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Details:
Instructor: Cathy Queitzsch
Price includes: 1 class face to face.

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Included Materials



This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.